
Friday 29 August 2014

Finding China

Finding China

I have been travelling in China, and I have notice some amazing things. My mum is Chinese and did you know China is a very populated country there are 13 million people in Shanghai. In China there are no doors in toilets, no sets on toilets and there are no curtains in showers. In China there is a strict rule, one child per family but my mum has three sisters and one brother because they were born before the rule was made. In Shanghai, often both of their parents work that’s why most kids are boarded in the school.

In winter it is very cold, the temperature dropped below zero. In China school start’s at 7.00 and ended at 5.00 and kids have one hour to do homework, Chinese kids work a lot harder than other children. Each day they had to do a hundred push ups then a hundred sit-ups and run around the track fifty times.

In china people eat steamed buns, vegetables, meat, egg, duck, prawns, pork, soup, gravy, rice, sometimes hot  chocolate and every day an orange and a banana.
I think China is beautiful and the most hard working place, if you have a chance to go to China you should definitely go!

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Screenshot 2014-05-08 at 7.48.09 AM.png

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Marie Salomea Sklodowska

Marie Salomea Sklodowska Curie

If you don’t know who Marie Curie is I’ll tell you what you should know about her. She is an Scientist who discovered radium in X-rays.

Marie studied Science in the University of Paris, when she was there she didn’t speak French well but she caught up fast.

When she graduated she got married to Pierre her husband. Pierre and her discovered radium for there entire life. After a few years Pierre died by radium because it can harm and cure. She made something 100X stronger than uramin.

Marie Curie won two nobel prizes one for Physics in 1903 and one in Chemistry in 1911. She also won the Davy medal in 1903 and the Wallard Gibbs Award 1921. She established the first military field during world war 1. She was born on 7 November 1867 in Warsaw, Kingdom of poland and died 4 July 1934 aged 66, Married in France.


Thursday 7 August 2014