
Tuesday 15 December 2015

Digital Citizen

 Digital Citizen

What is Digital Citizen?  
A digital citizen is a pupil who is part of the online society. They are social on social medias and uses google and other apps regularly. .

 How can we be a good Digital Citizen?
 Being a good citizen is not as hard as you think here are some of the ways to be a good citizen. Be social in the digital world by commenting, posting, etc.  Do the right things by follow rules and not copying other people's work. Be a trustworthy friend who people can count on, by never lie about you age, name, height etc. Another way to be a good Digital citizen is, you have to respect the rights of others by letting them have privacy.  A good citizen knows how to be cyber safe and knows how to use symbols, language and text of digital technologies. A digital citizen uses ICT to collaborate with others in a kind and meaningful way. A digital citizen is confident and familiar with ICT. A digital citizen uses technology as a tool to help enhance learning to its fullest. Always lock important information otherwise hackers can track where you live, your password
you down.

Health and Wellness
There are lots of health risks when using a computer. If you're on the computer for too long your eyes can start to hurt and you can have loss of sight. To prevent that have a break from the computer for an hour, after each hour. Don't sit on the floor, it can hurt your back.

Digital Law
Digital law is the rules on the internet. One part of Digital Law is cyber safety. Cyber Safety is the safe of use of technology. Digital law relates to stealing  other people's work or causing damage.


By Mikayla and Caitlyn

Thursday 10 December 2015

Digital Citizenship

Jesse Tree Week 1

Jesse Tree Week 1

We are learning about the Jesse Tree. We have copied this and this is the References:

Week 1 Day 1
The Jesse Tree was created to help people link the custom of decorating Christmas trees to the events leading up to Jesus birth. The tradition of decorating Christmas trees actually predates the arrival of Christianity in western Europe and was adopted by the early Church. In order to associate the custom more clearly with Christianity, people made Jesse Trees—Christmas trees with decorations related to the events of Jesus' birth and the prophecies about him in the Old Testament. Many parishes and families make Jesse Trees during Advent to remind them of these events as they prepare for Christmas.

Week 1 Day 2
Genesis 3 tells how Adam and Eve's intimacy with God and with each other is disrupted. The serpent enters the scene. The serpent represents anything that can separate a person from God. The woman, with the man as her silent partner, speaks to the serpent. They examine the possibility of disobeying God. Will Adam and Eve accept God's moral order and trust in his love?

Week 1 Day 3
The story of Noah is told to illustrate how deeply the human family has fallen into sinfulness. Sin is now so universal that a troubled God decides to complete the work of destruction that the human family has begun (Genesis 6:13). However, God sees that Noah is a good man and decides that humanity will survive through Noah's family. God tells Noah to build an ark, which God will use to save Noah's family and members of the animal kingdom. God is pained by and disappointed in humankind, but in his mercy he will save the human family through Noah.

Week 1 Day 4
Abraham stands before God, facing the future. God had promised that Abraham would be the father of many descendants, but his wife, Sarah, seems unable to have children. So Abraham believes he will die childless and that his steward, Eliezer, will be his heir. God assures Abraham that this will not happen, promising Abraham that he will have a son with Sarah. More than that, the descendants of Abraham will be as numerous as the stars in the sky.

Week 1 Day 5
Then, unexpectedly, God sends an angel with the message that Abraham must sacrifice his son Isaac. As bitter as the message is, and as hopeless as it makes Abraham feel, he obeys without hesitation. He gathers his servants and Isaac with wood for the sacrifice and sets out to the appointed place. The last part of the way he goes alone with Isaac, who is made to carry the wood for his own sacrifice. On the way, Isaac asks his father what animal will be sacrificed. Abraham answers that God will provide.

Week 1 Day 6
While on his journey, Jacob arrives at a certain place and rests there, using a stone for a pillow. In a dream, he receives a divine revelation. He sees a ladder, or perhaps a ramp, going up from earth to heaven. The shape of Jacob's vision may have been inspired by the shape of the ziggurats of Babylon, which had ramps going up their sides to the place where the deity was said to dwell. On the ramp in Jacob's dream are angels, roaming up and down, patrolling the earth and reporting back to God. In his vision, Jacob meets God. God confirms the covenant made to Abraham and to Isaac that their ancestors will be as plentiful as the dust on the ground and will spread from east to west. Jacob will also receive God's protection wherever he goes.

Week 1 Day 7
Pharaoh has Joseph brought before him. Joseph hears the dreams and correctly interprets their meaning. The seven fat cows and stalks of grain are seven years in which harvests will be abundant and the cows will be fat. The next seven years will be a period of famine. After interpreting the dreams, Joseph advises that Pharaoh appoint someone to oversee the harvesting and ensure that enough grain is saved in the first seven years to help Egypt survive the seven years of famine. Pharaoh agrees and appoints Joseph vizier, second in authority only to Pharaoh himself, to carry out the plan. Joseph marries an Egyptian woman and has two sons. The first he names Manasseh (“forgotten”), to show that his previous suffering has been forgotten. The second is Ephraim (“God has made me fruitful”).

Please comment down below, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Monday 7 December 2015

Evaluation for the year’s work

Evaluation for the year’s work—view and look at Term 1, 2, 3, 4 work in Reading, Inquiry (Science.Social studies, Health and Technology)

What did I learn? I learnt how to make a secure and stable bridge. I also learnt the difference between an opinion and a fact.  

Why were you learning it? It will help me in the future.   

How is that learning going to help you? When I go to college and university I might have to do a project like this or I might what to pursue this as a job.  

What am I pleased about? I am pleased about that I learnt a lot this year.

Who helped you in your learning? My teacher, my mom and dad helped me in my learning.

What do I need help with? I need help with my spelling.

What do I want to learn next time? I want to learn other curriculum activities such as music and dance.

With digital learning-

What are the interesting things you have learned in digital learning? The interesting things I have learnt are how to use different applications.

How is that going to help you in your further learning? I will know how to use apps in presenting work and researches I do. when I am in college I can apply all the things I have learnt.

What are the things I think I need to learn more in digital learning? How to post slides and padlets.

What do I want to learn next time? I want to learn about music and play an instrument, and learn different languages.

By Mikayla




Screenshot 2015-11-16 at 2.10.48 PM.pngHangry
Have you ever gotten angry when you've gone without food for a long time? If you have, you are suffering from a term which is a mix between hungry and angry, known as hangry. There is an explanation for this uncontrollable reaction.

People get hangry because there is a lack of glucose in the bloodstream which is caused by having not enough food. While other body organs use different nutrients, the brain relies only on glucose. When the glucose levels get low to brain panics and sends messages to the other organs to release hormones which increases the amount of glucose is the bloodstream. It is also the same hormones that makes you fight when faced with a dangerous situation.

Pleases comment down below, Have you ever experienced hangryness? I would love to hear your thoughts.   
By Mikayla   

Dear Mrs Sullings,

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Mary Song Of Praise

Mary song of praise
Screenshot 2015-11-04 at 2.29.33 PM.pngMary said: “I will praise the Lord with all my heart. I am glad for God my Almighty cares for me. God has done extraordinary things. Now all people will say God has blessed me , and holy is his name. He gives the hungry and poor,  good things while the rich empty. He took the powerful out of there throne and put the humble in powerful positions”.

Back To The Future

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If you didn’t know, Wednesday, October 21st was back to the future day. 30 years ago there is a trilogy called Back to the Future. If you are unfamiliar with the movie, in the movie they want to go back to the date 21 October 2015. The film's protagonist are Marty Mcfly and Doctor Brown. In the city of Hill Valley California, people have been excited to save Mcfly’s yet to be born children.

Screenshot 2015-10-30 at 2.01.13 PM.pngDo you remember Marty's cool shoes? Have you ever wanted one? Well now the the Nike brand has invented shoes that is just like Marty’s flashing shoes. Wouldn’t be cool if your shoes could tie itself? These shoes can even light up! Like the ones in the movie , they have battery wires hanging down the leg. But these are better, don’t  worry about tripping over electrical wires, the battery is built in.

This actually is the second time  for Tinker Hatfield, the Nike designer to try to create a real life version of the iconic sneakers. The 2011 version has every detail and it looks just like Marty Mcfly. But the only thing,  it didn’t have the self-lacing mechanism.

This time the company has found a technology which automatically tighten the lace when it senses your foot, It can tighten around the foot and around the ankle. There's also a manual which can loosen or tighten grip if needed.

Since these shoes are inspired by Marty Mcfly’s shoes, it fits to give the first pair of Nike Mags for Michael J.Fox the actor who played Marty Mcfly.  Nike plans to release additional pairs in 2016. But they will only be a limited edition and they only sell them through auction. All the money will go to Michael J. Fox Foundation which is Parkinson research will benefit from the sale. That's good news but it means it will be expensive for us. What an great invention. I would love to have a pair of Nike Mags. Would you?
Pleases comment down below, would you like a pair of Nike Mags? I would love to hear your thoughts.

By Mikayla                        

Friday 25 September 2015

My Speech

Screenshot 2015-07-23 at 12.25.23 PM.pngMy Speech
Thrown on the ground, stepped on, scrunched and littered. You might ask what I’m talking about, I’m talking about paper. It’s a big part of our lives but do we value it as much as we should? People around the world are misusing paper. Do you know how much time and effort one man did to create paper? It took him ages to figure out out to make paper. When it was done the whole community rejoiced and was happy because it was something new an invention and a thing you can write on.  Isn’t that amazing!!! The one who created paper and That man  was Cai Lun, Cai Lun invented paper that we use everyday. He was persistent, enthusiastic and a critical thinker. He messed up many times but he tried and tried, until it was perfect. It must be tiring for him to create and create paper until he perfected to his desired.
You might wonder, if Cai Lun made paper what did we use before paper? We used papyrus. The word paper came from the word papyrus, Ancient Greek for the Cyperus papyrus plant. Papyrus was slowly spread to Italy and Southern france reaching Germany by the year 1400.  Papyrus is a thick, paper like material which was produced from the pith of the Cyperus plant. The Cyperus plant was used in Ancient Greek and other mediterranean cultures for writing, long before the making of paper in China.  Papyrus however are plants dried and woven, while paper is manufactured from fibers whose properties have been changed by maceration.

When was paper invented? Papermaking process is said to have been developed in China during the early 2nd century,the Han dynasty or as early as the year 105 AD. Paper was invented in ancient China during the Han dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD) and spread slowly to the west via the Silk Road.

Who invented paper? The first paper known in the history was made around  3500 BC called papyrus. It was invented by ancient egyptians What is paper used for? We used paper for, the most common writing on. At school, at work, at home, anywhere we use paper everywhere! At school we use paper to write stories and reports to help us learn. At work we use paper to take down notes of what the boss wants you to do. We also use paper at home to do homework and to just, doodle i guess. Once you finished doing homework, you can show your teacher, your teacher might ask to print your work. Paper is also used for printing on. Did you know paper can be eaten? Paper is used in asian cuisine as a food ingredient. Paper is made out of trees and it's edible! How crazy is that! Eating paper?

I Believe Cai Lun didn’t make the first paper in the history but he invented paper we use nowadays. What do you think if paper was not invented? What would schools be like without paper? Would there be impact on the world? How about offices without paper would they rely on the


Please comment down below, Who is your inspiration? I would love to hear your thoughts.

By Mikayla  

Northland Brown Kiwi

We are learning about endangered animals in New Zealand and I'd like to share my research on Northland Kiwi---

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Child Labour

Child Labour
Screenshot 2015-09-22 at 12.14.57 PM.pngWhat do you think when the word child labour is mentioned? Word that connected to child labour such as working, children, hard work, no education, missing school, no play, away from family, kidnapped, hurting, lonely, slaves and abused. There are some indescribable words that I can’t say.

What is child Labour?
Many families are taking their children out of school and sending them to work. In the recent decades millions of children are being used as slaves.There is an estimate of 215 child labourers around the world, about 114 million are in Asia, 14 million in the Pacific, 7% live in Latin America and 30% live in sub- Saharan Africa.

Where do they work?
Do you know who picks the bananas you eat or who cuts the flowers that you gave your mother for mother's day, the yummy chocolates you eat, and the soft jacket and clothes we wear? Do you appreciate the fruits and vegetable you have? Well, you might be surprised, a child did that. The International labour organisation thinks that 215 million children between the ages of 5 to 17 are working underaged in an explosive and dangerouse places. About 60% of child labourers are involved in hunting, mining,  fishing, agriculture and forestry. Most bananas come from Ecuador, cotton from Egypt and Benin, flowers are cut in Columbia, Oranges are picked in Brazil, cocoa from Ivory coast, tea from Argentina and Bangladesh, and the daily fruits and vegetables from the United States.  

What is the cause of child labour?
Families are extremely poor and men are greedy and want money. They trick the children to work for them and they say they will pay them but they don’t. So they employ children but don’t pay them. Poor families make their children work, even if it's only 10 cents a week. So this means children are putting all their hard work into this but not getting anything in return. Is this fair? Is this right?
Screenshot 2015-09-22 at 12.25.03 PM.png

This is not fair for children, children should not work. They are missing out in learning in school that will affect them when they're older. Without education they can’t get a good job and raise their own family. Don’t you think they should just be kids who play, go to school and able to have fun.  

Please comment down below, What do you think of Child Labour? I would love to hear your thoughts.

By Mikayla

Facts about Eggs

Facts about Eggs
  • Screenshot 2015-09-22 at 1.42.59 PM.png
    It has protein, vitamins and minerals
  • An egg is made out of 3 main parts, egg yolk, egg white and the shell
  • The eggs yolk contains fatty acids
  • In Christianity, an egg is also known as new life
  • An egg can be used as a glue in cooking
  • There are different types of eggs such as quail, duck, goose, ostrich and the most common chicken eggs
  • Most of the egg protein is found in the egg white along with B2
  • The egg white lowers the amount of fat and cholesterol
  • Some brands of eggs now have omega-3 fatty acids, depending on what the chicken eats
  • There is a poison in eggs which is called salmonella. It causes fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps

Please comment down bellow, Have you had a quail, duck, goose or an ostrich egg? I would love to hear you thoughts.

By Mikayla

Friday 18 September 2015

Rugby World Cup Flag Study

Rugby World Cup Flag Study
Q1: How many flags are there altogether?
A1: 20 flags
Q2: How many have blue on them?
A1:  12 flags
Q3: How many have red on them?
A3: 16 flags
Q4: How many have orange on them?
A4: 1 flag
Q5: How many have white on them?
A5: 18 flags
Q6: How many have black on them?
A6: 1 flag
Q7: How many have yellow on them?
A7: 5 flags
Q8: How many flags have a union jack on them?
A8: 3 flags
Q9: How many flags have symbols on them?
A9: 20 flags
Q10: How many flags have strips?
A10: 13 flags
Q11: How many flags have more than 3 colours on them?
A11: 2 flags
Q12: How many flags have less than 3 colours on them?
A12: 6 flags
Q13: How many flags have a circle on them?
A13: 3 flags
Q14: How many flags have only 1 colour on them?
A14: 0 flags
Q15: How many flags have stars on them?
A15: 4 flags
Q16: How many stars are on the New Zealand flag?
A16: 4 stars
Q17: How many stars are there on the Australian Flag?
A17: 6 stars
Screenshot 2015-09-18 at 12.47.47 PM.pngQ18: How many stars are on the USA flag?
A18: 54 stars
Q19: How many flags have a cross on them?
A19: 5 flags
Q20: Which is you favorite flag and why?
A20: My favorite flag is South Africa because I like that it has lots of colours and I like the stripes.   
Please comment down below, What's your favorite flag in the Rugby World cup, I would love to hear your thoughts.

By Mikayla

Thursday 17 September 2015

Daffodil Day

Syrian exodus

Syrian Exodus

Syrian Exodus
Screenshot 2015-09-08 at 12.39.53 PM.pngWhat's happening in Syria? What caused the civil war ? What was the cause of the exodus? Why are Syrians migrating to other countries? What countries are they fleeing to? Why do Syrian smugglers take migrants on ferries? What route are they taking?

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The world feels like it's coming to an end, with civil war from Syria. There's a prediction that in a few years there will be no people in Syria and it will become ghost country. At least four million Syrians are said to have been displaced within their own country. One in six people in Lebanon are now Syrian refugees. Did you know Western countries including the U.S and Britain may be asked to accept tens of thousands of refugees?

Screenshot 2015-09-10 at 12.37.56 PM.pngThousands of refugees from Syria are fleeing to Greece, Romania, Hungary, Jordan, Lebanon and Germany. The biggest camp in Jordan is now the country's fourth-largest city. “Germany has already offered to take 5,000 Syrians, but other offers have been limited, “ Guterres said (a journalist). They are fleeing to other countries for safety and security. Some countries are not accepting Syria because they feel scared that they may hurt them or they ISSIS can pretend to be refugees.    

Screenshot 2015-09-10 at 12.17.41 PM.pngScreenshot 2015-09-11 at 9.56.22 AM.pngIn nine months to September 2013, 4,552 migrants were rescued in the waters around Chios. Over 5,104 migrants are rescued in the waters around Chois in 2013. In 2012 there was 69 rescued is the waters around Chois. Greece and Italy surprised by the numbers of people trying to reach their shores and the costs of rescuing them. In New Zealand $81,000 are given to each family that comes as a refugee which means $483,000,000 are given to 700 families. A group of 12 people rescue migrants by rotating their shifts day and night.

Smugglers who take the migrants by a ferry prefer the route to Chios because it is one of the fastest between Turkey and the EU. They take migrants on ferries to earn money. In some places, the distance is as short as 5 miles (8 kilometers) and takes a half-hour in a small inflatable boat with a modest single engine. A way to earn money out of the migrants. What are your feelings about Syrians leaving their country? Please comment down below, I would love to hear you thoughts.

By Mikayla