
Tuesday 31 March 2015

36 + _ = 58

5 x 18 = 90


Chromebooks are useful in many ways. Like to work at home and work at work or work anywhere you want. You can do work anywhere all you need is an internet connection. You can research, collaborate and share your work with your friend in doing projects. Before we had chromebooks, we had to wait for the computers. Now when we have chromebooks, we are not to wait.

But there’s still always a bad side. One bad thing about the chrome is if you don’t have internet you basically can’t do anything. And it doesn't have much storage space to download game and applications.


Monday 30 March 2015


The Nikau tree
The Nikau tree is the only palm tree that doesn’t live in tropical places. The Nikau is native to New Zealand and is the only palm tree that grows down South. The bulb of the Nikau is in the middle of the tree. You have to destroy the whole tree to get to the fruit, some people call it millionaire's salad. Maori people uses the fronds of a nikau tree to make roofs. They layer the fronds on top of each other. They used it for baskets and bags. The Nikau has so many uses in the early New Zealand and also now. It’s so special to New Zealand and to it’s native people the Maoris.




Tuesday 17 March 2015

Book review 1

The journey Part 2  
The main charades are Shorn, Twilight, Gylfie, Digger and St. Aegolius (St. Aggie). It begun as a dream. A quest for the Ga’Hoole tree.
In the mistress place each night a group of owls make noble deeds. St. Aggie and her patrol own the St. Aegolius Academy for orphans. But not a good kind, they steal baby owls and owl eggs. When they hatch she takes them to the academy. They keep them until they are an adult and gives them to the patrol to steal other baby owls. I rate this book 8.5 out of 10. I recommend this to ages 8 and

Friday 13 March 2015

Global warming

Global warming
Will the earth be as hot
as the sun? Will Arctic
and Antarctica melt?
Global warming starts
when heat is trapped in the earth’s surface. I can’t answer if the earth will be as hot as the sun. But if the Arctic and Antarctica melt it will affect the whole world.
The water goes to the coast of a land and water level rises results to flash flooding. It destroys buildings, farmlands and nature. It damages the place and cause a lot of homeless people. The floods will leave families in poverty. There will be more cases of flooding and droughts.

Screenshot 2015-03-11 at 12.22.43 PM.pngScreenshot 2015-03-11 at 12.19.58 PM.pngGlobal warming can also affect ice habitats in the Arctic and Antarctica. They will die to extinction. What will happen if there are no arctic animals like penguins, seals, polar bears in the future? What will happen to the food chain?

Screenshot 2015-03-11 at 12.29.41 PM.pngFor hot places global warming is a high risk for disease. Sometimes there are new disease coming up for no reason.Because of the change of temperature making diseases come up.   

Screenshot 2015-03-11 at 12.35.34 PM.pngI think we should take action to reduce or even make global warming extinct.

By Mikayla